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Welcome to the MyBB Integrator / MyBB SDK / MyBB API

In order to build up a community, a forum is an essential step towards connecting the users and towards creating a stable base for communication. Since a forum contains a lot of functions you would not want to miss on your own site, interaction between the website and the forum should be provided, so you can access the most important functionalities of your installed forum. MyBB has been proven to be a nice free bulletin board, definitely competiting with free board giants like phpBB or SMF.
The class provided shall help you link your site to your MyBB forum. No more exploring of complicated code, no more trial and error - a set of helpful functions is ready for use!

To secure further contributions to the integrator, I would be glad to receive donations!

    David (aka PHPDave)

This project is being moved to GitHub to improve contribution.
See this Project on Github

Coding Help

If you are struggling to include the MyBB Integrator into your website or if you only need some further information on the functionalities of this class, please view the Coding Help section!

Sites using the MyBB Integrator

Please give me a shout, if you are using this class at one of your projects. It would show that this class is working the way it should be and that you can trust its functionalities!
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This class is licensed under GPL.


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#84:   David | PHPDave on June 17, 2010 - 00:37
I have just installed a forum, so I can organize stuff better.
Please register and post your feedback and requests there.

#83:   Wabzke on June 15, 2010 - 15:28
How do i include it in phpfox or any other cms or engine
#82:   David | PHPDave on May 06, 2010 - 15:07
@Wabzke: This is not a plugin, it is a php class which you can include to access mybb functionality

@LostCore: I do not provide individual help for any system you are using (if you want help email me and I can look into it - for a small fee)

@d4rkngel: If I recall correctly, the register function returns you a phrase...

@Slayr: see my response to LostCore

@Adam: Extrawishes by email please

@Codename: See my response to LostCore

@Tobol: I would have to look into it, haven't had much time in the past....

Mabe, I'll just intall a forum....
#81:   Wabzke on May 02, 2010 - 19:11
I really dont understand how to use this plugin -- let say i dont want to create the form but to just send my logged in username and password to the plugin for it to login in the user. What i want to achieve is first wrap the site using iframe or whatever then have a function that get's the logged in user of my site (phpfox) and post the credentials to mybb so as the user can be logged in.
#80:   LostCore on April 02, 2010 - 14:53
Hi! When i try to load mybbintegrator in wordpress, i get this error:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare get_attachment_icon() (previously declared in D:\My_Webs\testserver\dosh\wp\wp-includes\post-template.php:1027) in D:\My_Webs\testserver\dosh\wp\mybb\inc\functions.php on line 2723

What can i do? Thanks!
#79:   d4rkngel on March 05, 2010 - 02:28
Hi good work,

I'm just trying to implement MyBB with Drupal and your work is really helping me.

Well I was just wondering why the function $MyBBI->register($info); always return an array even if the user registration process was successful, I don't want to get a value. I have to say that I'm a newbie so I don't know why this is happening. I just found that I can use ob_start() and ob_clean() to stop the return value but I don't know if this is the better way.

#78:   Slayr on February 28, 2010 - 02:03
I got that to work, but now I'm not able to log out after changing the board cookie URL to "/" (previously was "/forum/")
#77:   Slayr on February 22, 2010 - 23:09
Hi there. This work looks great.
However, when using this, I'm getting the following error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function simple_select() on a non-object in /home/public/forum/inc/class_datacache.php on line 79

Any way to fix it? I've tried putting the class in the same directory as my script.
#76:   Adam on February 22, 2010 - 21:42
Loving your work, wondering about getWhoIsOnline though. Is it possible to include people who are on the "mainsite" (members/guests) to make a more accurate counter, sitewide?

Useing your work on two websites at the moment, saved a lot of work. Gratis!
#75:   Codename on February 19, 2010 - 11:52
Hi, @Vasily I have exactly the same problem. This is my cofiguration:

Domain: ( redirect on public_html/test/ )
Forum dir: public_html/test/forum/

Cookie domain:
Cookie path: /forum/

Integrator ( class and my own site script ) is in the /test. And its no working. I try to set cookie path to "/" but its no working either - and in this way i have a problem with forum. What i doing wrong? Over 30 hours I try to do something with that but its still no working...


define('IN_MYBB', NULL);
global $mybb, $lang, $query, $db, $cache, $plugins, $displaygroupfields;
require_once 'forum/global.php';
require_once 'class.MyBBIntegrator.php';
$MyBBI = new MyBBIntegrator($mybb, $db, $cache, $plugins, $lang, $config);

$login_status = $MyBBI->login('mylogin', 'mypass');
if ($login_status == true) echo 'You were successfully logged in';
else echo 'The login routine failed';
echo ($MyBBI->isLoggedIn()) ? 'You are logged in' : 'You are not logged in';

And the result:

You were successfully logged in
You are not logged in

Please HELP!!
#74:   Tobol on February 03, 2010 - 10:36
I wonder, if is possible to define my own user locations - I would like to know where exacly user is on my site, integrated with our class. Now in "who's online" if user is not on forum, but somewhere on my site, i see "main page". I want to make it show, for example "Articles", "news" etc.
#73:   NooBBr on January 08, 2010 - 03:20
Thanks for the quick reply. In this case, my existing app with a separate registration/login workflow is the "portal". Instead of having a user login twice - once on my app; once in MyBB - I will use your api to delegate the login call to MyBB after user enters their credentials. Essentially, logging into each app. Poor man's SSO.

You've answered my question though. Your API is on task for what we need to accomplish so THANKS for all the hard work!
#72:   David | PHPDave on December 31, 2009 - 13:21
If I understand you correctly, you are looking for the exact opposite of the purpose of the Integrator.
You are trying to replace the in-built forum functionalities.
Example: if a user clicks on logout INSIDE OF THE FORUM, you want to perform an own function and not the in-built forum function.
However, the integrator is designed for the exact opposite: using the in-build forum function for your portal.

In order to achieve your aim (provided that I understood you correctly), you would have to manipulate the core functions of the forum.
The only thing I can do here is to point you to the correct files, however, you will have to keep in mind that an update of the forum software would lead to a loss of your modifications.

The MyBB Support forum is most likely a better location to ask for assistance than here (on a 3rd party website).
#71:   NooBBr on December 30, 2009 - 21:25
A quick question regarding this API or possibly the documentation. Is there any documentation on the corresponding places/code in MyBB source to bypass/override the functions your API supports? For example, using your API as a proxy I will "silently" login, register, and logout of MyBB. However, within the the MyBB app, I want to override those corresponding links to point to my top-level application. The net effect should cause any MyBB login/logout/registration page to be suppressed and replaced by my top-level application. I reviewed the relevant API docs you provide but don't see anything along these lines. Given that you've written this detailed API, any information you could provide would be appreciated.
#70:   Vasily on December 08, 2009 - 18:09
By the way, I've also tried /sandbox/clientname/ for the cookie path. Doesn't work either.
#69:   Vasily on December 07, 2009 - 03:48
I've been unable to get login to work, and I've tried to follow the guidelines provided here. The login routine is returning TRUE but when I go to the forum on I'm not logged in. The site is located in a sandbox subdirectory on my site. Here are the MyBB settings:

Cookie Domain =
Cookie Path = /sandbox/clientname/forum/

The script and class.MyBBIntegrator.php are both in /sandbox/clientname/. I am logging into Sitelok, a membership script, then passing the username and password to MyBB as follows (the username/password are the same in the Sitelok DB and MyBB):

$glob_path = "./forum/global.php";
$class_path = "./class.MyBBIntegrator.php";
define('IN_MYBB', NULL);
global $mybb, $lang, $query, $db, $cache, $plugins, $lang, $config, $displaygroupfields;
$mybbi = new MyBBIntegrator($mybb, $db, $cache, $plugins, $lang, $config);
$status = $mybbi->login($slusername, $slpassword);

Status returns TRUE at this point, but when I go to the forum page either through a link or in an iframe, I'm not logged in. Anyone have any ideas?
#68:   David | PHPDave on December 05, 2009 - 15:25
@Zephlon: Thanks for pointing out the error. I fixed it.
#67:   Zephlon on December 02, 2009 - 02:51
I found a problem with one of your examples. In the example for getLatestPosts() you are using getLatestThreads() instead.
#66:   David | PHPDave on November 21, 2009 - 13:48
@pixelmaster (comment #59): see troubleshooting

@Doublehomme: Thank you, documentation is corrected

@Hatt: I cannot provide any help for functions you have written on your own.

@Hangman: Thanks, appreciate it :)

@miimario: Read the documentation and the code examples. If there is no code example for your problem, there soon might be one. Most importantly: learn PHP :)

@TGM: There is no such function like makesafe of IPB's SDK, however you can access sanitized values in $MyBBI->mybb->input (this is an array)

@Zephlon: See troubleshooting

Sorry for the late answers, I'm really busy right now.
#65:   Zephlon on November 15, 2009 - 03:48
I'm having trouble getting both the forum and my script to access the cookies. When I set the Cookie Path to "/forum/" only the forum can access the cookies. When I set the Cookie Path to "" both of them can access the cookies, but then I can't logout. (Using the forum's logout script.)
#64:   TGM on November 02, 2009 - 20:58
Hello, does this SDK have a function like IPB SDK "makesafe" ?
#63:   miimario on November 02, 2009 - 07:17
How would I go about using the getUser function? I am new to PHP and learning as I go. Specifically I would like to, instead of printing out all of the users data, just get one specific item. For example I would like to be able to get the users post count. I am assuming I use [postnum] somehow, but I do not know where to begin. Is there a way to echo this value? What is the simplest way to do this?

#62:   Hangman on October 30, 2009 - 17:46
Awesome, keep it up man!
#61:   Hatt on October 21, 2009 - 21:12
Great class, thanks a lot. I've tried to implement a small portal using a mod of the site news plugin, just to pull posts from a single thread to my front page. I've used a slightly modified version of your parseString() example to make my tags work, which is going great besides for an exception. For some reason, I cannot get img or spoiler tags to work. This could be a problem with MyBB itself but I am unsure, any help you can give would be great.

Thanks again for the class.
#60:   Doublehomme on October 06, 2009 - 14:31
Thanks for your script!

But I found an error: I wanted to update the users birthday and according to your documentation the name of the field is 'birthday', but it has to be 'bday':
$data = array(
'uid' => 1,
'bday' => $birthday
$MyBBI->updateUser($data );
#59:   pixelmaster on October 04, 2009 - 17:20
At the beginning sorry for my English.
I'm having trouble logging in MyBB Integrator.
When I log on to my site I get the message "You were successfully logged in", but the function isLoggedin() returns false.
But if you log on to my forum on my website isLoggedin() function returns true.
I works on localhost, my cookie`s settings:
- Cookie Path: /
- Cookie Domain: i leave empty
How do I properly set cookie`s to be able to MyBB Integrator use them?
#58:   David | PHPDave on October 04, 2009 - 10:21
@Wolf: Noted down for next versoin

@Coolboi: View the Example 2 of Users / Login
#57:   Coolboi on October 02, 2009 - 11:25
It seems to be good script, but sorry I dont know how to use it, count me in noobs please explain me how can i have user login screen on my homepage?
#56:   Wolf on October 01, 2009 - 15:32
There are isSuperAdmin and isModerator, but there is no isInGroup(). It would be usefull to check like isInGroup('group id', 'userid') :). Ofc i can use getUser but gaazz. Im too bored for that
#55:   David | PHPDave on September 27, 2009 - 19:12
You're right.
Fixed in next version.
#54:   ZF on September 27, 2009 - 05:24

I think I found a bug at line 1016, function getThreads
if (is_array($forum_id))
// snip: check for a single forumid
{ // snip: check with a foreach loop

is_array should be !is_array
#53:   JLkiller on September 20, 2009 - 18:03
Dear David,

For some reason PHP likes to deny access to MyBB's vars. When you put

global $mybb, $lang, $query, $db, $cache, $plugins, $displaygroupfields;

Before the include line for the global.php-file, it works well. This is because you otherwise don't have access to the vars... Now you have. It's a little classes-issue in OOP-programming interface i guess. I don't get it for myself either, but with that line it's working.

The fix is not only for JOOMLA, but for all OOP-apps, I guess!

Kind Regards en keep up the good work,

#52:   miimario on September 17, 2009 - 01:32
EDITS: I will probably just install MyBB in the root directory.
Also I figured out how to get rid of the logo image (problem with my theme - not MyBBIntegrator)

Again, thank you soooo much for this!

#51:   miimario on September 16, 2009 - 20:19
Great work on this PHP class! It is EXACTLY what I was looking for.

While testing it out today I am having a simple problem.
The MyBB logo is displaying on top of the header on my page. Is there anyway to remove this? I am sure it is probably something I can easily change in the ACP but I am not sure how to do it.

The page I am testing on is located here:

I am also having trouble loading the global.php file when my page is in the root (public_html) folder outside of the /mybb directory. Do you know a solution for this? I tried

define('ROOT_DIR', getcwd());
require_once ROOT_DIR . '/mybb/global.php';
require_once ROOT_DIR . '/class.MyBBIntegrator.php';
$MyBBI = new MyBBIntegrator($mybb, $db, $cache, $plugins, $lang);

but to no avail. If you can't answer the last question don't worry about it. I am still messing with it, so I am sure I will figure it out.

#50:   David | PHPDave on September 06, 2009 - 15:54
I put it into my to-do list for the next version, which will be out within the next 2-3 weeks.
Sorry for my "gone-time", but I had a lot to work on, so I could not offer any support.
Nice find with the Joomla fix though.

If I may, I will put it into the soon-to-be-created page about Troubleshooting
#49:   Wolf on September 06, 2009 - 15:28
I would like possibility to get unread threads from only one board and show their subjects/show how many unread threads there are :) Otherwise it works great.
#48:   sconosciuto on August 29, 2009 - 01:47
Hi, I solved the problem.
I add
global $mybb, $lang, $query, $db, $cache, $plugins, $displaygroupfields;
require_once 'relative/path/to/the/forum/global.php

Anyway thanks for your job
#47:   Sconosciuto on August 26, 2009 - 19:59

I'm trying to use your class, but when I add "require_once 'relative/path/to/the/forum/global.php'" I get this error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function simple_select() on a non-object in /path/to/the/forum/inc/class_datacache.php on line 79

This problem is due to the fact that I use Joomla, because without Joomla it works.
Can you help me?

#46:   David | PHPDave on August 21, 2009 - 17:20
There is no need to use PHP5 style.
MyBB 1.4 is compatible with PHP4 and the class is supposed to be just as compatible.
#45:   xrogaan on August 21, 2009 - 14:26
You should upgrade your class to php5 style.

I'm currently looking to do it for my own use. I'll send you the link pointing to the modifications later.
#44:   Boon on August 12, 2009 - 15:41

First of all congratulations for this great work:)
But I have a small problem ...

I can not make a registration form ....
I made a html form (user, email and password)


$ info = array (
'username' => $ _POST ['username'],
'password' => $ _POST ['password'],
'password2' => $ _POST ['password'],
'email' => $ _POST ['email'],
'email2' => $ _POST ['email'],
'hideemail' => 1,
'invisible' => 0,
'receivepms' => 1

When sending the form it says that the user and the email already exists but it's false ...

How to ?

Thank you

#43:   psolo on August 12, 2009 - 10:50
why my $MyBBI->mybb->user['logoutkey'] didn't have an output?
#42:   David | PHPDave on August 09, 2009 - 16:56
Ah, I forgot an example there.
Just take a look at the example beneath - for createThread. It's basically the same.

@Kim: try to put the integrator class into the same directory as your script - not into a different one. I think there is a problem with that.
#41:   Simon on August 09, 2009 - 10:52
Hi I've been working on your sript for a long time but i still dont really understand how to use the createpost function.

It will be great if you could provide a full example of how to use the createpost function. Thanks. And I really love you work.
#40:   Kim on August 07, 2009 - 05:30
I get this error when i try to initialize the class.

Fatal error: Call to a member function simple_select() on a non-object in /home/XXXX/public_html/forum/inc/class_datacache.php on line 72

MyBB 1.4.0

The code:-

require_once '../forum/global.php';
require_once 'libraries/MyBBIntegrator.php';
$MyBBI = new MyBBIntegrator($mybb, $db, $cache, $plugins, $lang, $config);

Thank you for any help.
#39:   David | PHPDave on August 02, 2009 - 12:29
Uh quite a few responses during the time I was unable to check them. Let me answer the comments one by one.
First of all, thanks for the heads up.

@140105: This script is compatiblewith the latest version of MyBB, which is 1.4.X. Also I began coding the integrator, when a 1.4.X version was out, so there should be no problem.

@Denis: I definitely will do a Troubleshooting Page soon, since a lot of people are obviously having problems with the cookies. Also, the notice on the Coding Help section seems to be too small, so - yes, a Troubleshooting Page will be here within a week (hopefully I can find time for it). Thanks for the links, I will take a look at them.

Until then: if anybody has trouble with fetching the login status or logging in or any other problem concerning being logged in.
Put the integrator class into the same folder of your script and set the MyBB Cookie Path to that very folder, so the script can access them!
#38:   Denis on August 02, 2009 - 05:07
I found this site too:
- (how to configure cookies on mybb)
#37:   Denis on August 02, 2009 - 05:04
Hi people,

I was looking for Cookies in MyBB and I found two sites that can help you:

David, may I do a suggest? You can put in your website some topic about "How to use/install" and "FAQ".
You have a very good integration system. Congratulations!

Thank you.
#36:   Denis on July 31, 2009 - 06:49
Hi David, how are you?

I'm trying to use the function login. When I log into my board using the MyBB forum I can see in my site that I'm logged using the function isLoggedIn. It returns true.
But when I try to log in using my site the function login return true, but don't set the cookies. At MyBB forum I'm not logged in.
Could you help me to resolve this problem?

Thank you a lot,
#35:   140105 on July 28, 2009 - 05:47

Are you working on a MyBB 1.4.x version? Or the last version works in 1.4 as well?
#34:   Joaquin on July 26, 2009 - 21:06
Thanks, nice script just what i was looking for
#33:   Cluber22 on July 23, 2009 - 22:29
I would just like to say how useful this was. Thank you.
#32:   Adam on July 23, 2009 - 18:17
Any chance being able to add a Statistic feature to the class. To be able to receive the number of registered users for example.
#31:   David | PHPDave on July 11, 2009 - 10:53
I guess you mean which PHP Versions are compatible with the class?
The class itself is made for PHP4+, but as it accesses the core of MyBB, the PHP Version you need is the one necessary for MyBB.
For now, MyBB 1.4.X should be as well compatible with PHP4.
However, nearly every webspace uses PHP5, so there should be no problem in using this class.

Thanks for pointing out that this information is missing on the site - I will put it up.
#30:   Thijmen on July 11, 2009 - 00:47
Just a question, which PHP version are you using?
#29:   David | PHPDave on July 07, 2009 - 09:01
MyBB does not use PHP's native Sessionhandling ($_SESSION), but it uses an own Session system.
If you want to use $_SESSION, you would have to make sure that you call session_start within your page.
However, MyBB does not remove the $_SESSION array, so if you fill it yourself, there should be no problem whatsoever.
#28:   Denis on July 07, 2009 - 02:33
Hi David,

Why my website lose the sessions?
It is not saving $_SESSION...
Do you know how can I fix it?

Thank you,

#27:   Kim on July 05, 2009 - 22:37
Put everything in the same folder seems to do the trick. Thanks
#26:   David | PHPDave on July 05, 2009 - 21:42
You will have to play around with your cookie settings then.
Try different paths, different domains (with preceeding dot / without).

If none of that helps, try to see if the error occures due to a bad folder structure.
Put the MyBB Class into the same folder like your script.

For example:

#25:   Kim on July 05, 2009 - 21:06
Thanks for quick reply.

Its the cookie that is giving me trouble, it doesnt get created when I use the login function in the IntegratorClass. It do get created when im log in directly to MyBB.

When I am logged in directly to MyBB, and then calls the isLoggedIn function, it tells me Im not logged in...

When i run the "login"-function it tells me "You were successfully logged in"
#24:   David | PHPDave on July 05, 2009 - 20:08
To test the Cookie settings, log into your board using the MyBB forum - then check with the Integrator if you're logged in.
Other than that, it should work just fine.
#23:   Kim on July 05, 2009 - 14:41

Having some problems with login, doesnt seem to work. Get the "Login routine failed"..

I have got the registration part to work, tried set the cookie path to "/" instead of "/forum"

the folders look like this:

I know the username/password is correct, Im i missing something here?
#22:   David | PHPDave on June 20, 2009 - 13:49
You should take a look at comment #8

Changing the cookie path should solve your problem.
#21:   Ormin on June 20, 2009 - 13:12
Help!: O

I'm trying to implement MyBB log-in and register in a page . While register works good, log-in just seems to not work. I've debugged it - code takes the succesfull routine , but I noticed there aren't set any cookies ! :(

If you got any idea about how to repair it - please tell me, I'm kinda tired of this :(

You did a great job with your API. keep up a good work!
#20:   David | PHPDave on June 16, 2009 - 10:26
That happens because MyBB has an in-built Inputhandler, which will save all Request Variables into $mybb->input.
While it does so, it kills all Request-Variables.
If you want to handle Post / Get / Cookie and such, you will have to use $mybb->input
#19:   Denis on June 16, 2009 - 03:44
I forgot to say that it happens just when the variable was sent with form using get or post.
#18:   Denis on June 16, 2009 - 03:41
Hi David,

Why the command require_once 'relative/path/to/the/forum/global.php' cancel all my variables on php?
Before this line all variables have values, after this all my variables are null.

Thank you,

#17:   David | PHPDave on May 31, 2009 - 09:10
Hey there.

You would have to do that manually - as in writing a script on your own.
Of course, this class would help in providing the functions you need, however, a function like "getUsers" is not implemented in the current release - but is planned for the next one.
So either, you would have to write a plugin, which registers your users in that other forum as well, or you need to regularly call that self-made script, which transfers the existing accounts from forum A to forum B
#16:   Ori on May 31, 2009 - 00:56
I love this "plugin" as it can help me get things done without to much need for MySQL queries.
I would like to know if I can use this to help me sync users (username and password - nothing more) between two(2) databases/MyBB forums? I need this as I want some functions to work on a different database (because of the way my web host works) and I want banned users on the primary forum to NOT be banned on the secondary so they can use some forms I want them to have access to.
#15:   Mario on May 29, 2009 - 13:18
thank you David :)

I've found out (but maybe you already had too) that subscriptionmethod refers to the values used in the drop down used to let the user change his preferred subscription method.

As a test, I added a user with subscriptionmethod=2 and afterwards in the profile it read "instant email"

So I think it should work with 1 as well.

Thanks again,

#14:   David | PHPDave on May 28, 2009 - 11:45
Here is the part of the new MyBBIntegrator, where you can remove a user. /**
 * Delete a user in the database
 * @param integer|string $user User ID or username
 * @return boolean
function removeUser($user)
// If no ID is given, we check if there is a user with the specified username
if (!is_numeric($user))
$query $this->db->simple_select('users''uid''username=\''.$this->dbEscape($user).'\'');
$user_id $this->db->fetch_field($query'uid'0);
// User does not exist? --> False
if (empty($user_id))
$user_id intval($user_id);
$user_id intval($user);
// Delete the user
$this->db->update_query("posts", array('uid' => 0), "uid='{$user_id}'");

// Update forum stats
update_stats(array('numusers' => '-1'));
#13:   Mario on May 28, 2009 - 09:13
Thank you David,

Yes please post it if you can, it would be really kind of you. Unfortunately, I am being told it is rather urgent. If posted here, it may be useful for other users too.

Thanks a lot.

#12:   David | PHPDave on May 27, 2009 - 17:22
The possibility to remove a user with the integrator will be given with the next release - I have just created that function.
So if you cannot wait until the next release (which should be within 4-5 days), I can post the function.
#11:   Mario on May 27, 2009 - 11:36
Hi there, thanks for your work around myBB

I was wondering if there's a way to remove a user without having to deal with the db tables.

Something like "remove_user()".

In case there isn't, as I suspect, would you help me find a clean approach to this?

Thank you

#10:   David | PHPDave on May 06, 2009 - 10:14
This class enables you to integrate some forum functionalities into your website.
There are absolutely NO codechanges in the forum code itself, it only accesses them remotely.
#9:   Tm0 on May 04, 2009 - 18:27
Hey someone told me this intergraet our cms, they mean the portal part right? and apart from the installing is there many code changes?
#8:   _Undefined on April 28, 2009 - 08:24
Cookie fullpath was set to /forums/. Changing it to / sorted it, thanks very much. :D
#7:   David | PHPDave on April 27, 2009 - 22:46
The isLoggedIn function should work just fine.
Are you sure your cookie settings are set correctly, so the Integrator can access the cookies set by MyBB?
#6:   _Undefined on April 27, 2009 - 16:09
The isLoggedIn() function doesn't seem to be working.
#5:   David | PHPDave on April 12, 2009 - 09:49
The Update Function is not existent at present, but I will definitely put it onto the to-do list. Therefore, it will be released with the next version!

About your problem with the login part:
What exactly is your problem?
You should not be worrying about cookies or such, as the Integrator should be taking care about that for you.
The function isLoggedIn() should be the one you are looking for.
So all you need to do is perform the login() function with user and password as the parameter and then check if the user is logged in.
#4:   dan on April 12, 2009 - 02:29
I manage it to integrate the registering part. Everything is ok.

It is a little bit difficult with login part (cookis/domains).. :) a little bit detailed info it will be usefull.

Also, there is an username update function ?

Thank you for this class.
#3:   David | PHPDave on April 11, 2009 - 22:58
I have resolved your problem in the appropriate MyBB thread!

I have noticed that it was declared wrong in the documentation! This has been fixed to prevent further irritation.
Thanks for the hint.
#2:   dan on April 10, 2009 - 17:56
I tested the new user function exactly as in the example.

But the message is:

You did not enter a username. Please enter one.
The password you entered is of invalid length. Please enter a password between 6 and 30 characters.
You did not enter an email address. Please enter one.
#1:   z4nukre on April 06, 2009 - 19:09
I'm now downloading and testing your great work.
Thanks for this absolutely kind stuff =)